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Фото автораNikolai Rudenko

«The Picture of Dorian Gray», Oscar Wilde

Обновлено: 14 мар. 2022 г.

Good afternoon, Mr. Dorian Gray. I am writing to you from this world and I dare to hope that someone will generously deliver the letter to its destination. I don’t know the address: heaven, hell or whatever, but they’ll sort it out there, they know better ...

Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde was an Irish playwright, poet, and author of numerous short stories, and one novel. Known for his biting wit, and a plentitude of aphorisms, he became one of the most successful playwrights of the late Victorian era in London, and one of the greatest celebrities of his day. Several of his plays continue to be widely performed, especially The Importance of Being Earnest.

Dorian (won't you be offended if I call you that?), I recently met a certain Oscar Wilde, and in a pleasant evening conversation over a cup of coffee, he told me your amazing story. Oh, how this gentleman knows how to talk! Words are formed into sharp and capacious phrases from which beauty emanates. Your friend - Oscar, I'm not afraid of this comparison, the artist of the word ...

But, sorry, I let myself get distracted... I know your secret. The portrait of Dorian Gray, painted by the talented Basil, reflects your soul like a mirror. Oh, you would know how hard it is for me to believe this, but it excites my imagination so much! Yes, Dorian, you have had an amazing life. You disposed of it, of course, as you wanted ... Or maybe you could not have done otherwise? Dorian, what dark and passionate paths did you walk, whose slave were you? What vices have you experienced? Have you created a monster out of yourself, or have you become a victim of human nature and its accompanying fears and temptations?

I have become very curious lately. It must be the influence of your friend, Sir Harry, on me. Oh, what entertaining theories he puts forward! And you are amazed at the vivacity of his mind. I’m really not a philosopher and not a fan of arguing, and therefore I can’t decide whether everything he says is true, but you have clearly refuted one of his statements with your life: “Every desire that we try to suppress wanders in our soul and poisons us. And having sinned, a person gets rid of the attraction to sin, for realization is the path to purification. After that, only memories of pleasure or the voluptuousness of repentance remain." Although, what to hide, a lot of what Sir Henry says is very exciting to me: “I don’t have the same attitude towards people. I choose beautiful people as close friends, people with a good reputation as friends, I only make smart enemies. "There is not a single fool among my enemies. All of them are thinking people, intelligent enough and therefore know how to appreciate me."

You know, dear Dorian, your story here with us has received wide publicity. A book has even been written about you. Many people read it, especially often it is recommended to young people: "read, get smarter and learn from the mistakes of others." Dorian, how I regret that you have become only an example, an image, a warning, a weapon in the hands of morality and morality. I am tormented by one question .. And, in fact, the essence of this letter is in it: Dorian Gray, don't you joke with me from time to time and appear to me in the mirrors, where, with great pleasure, I would like to see Basil? I don't expect a quick reply...

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