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«The Grace Year», Kim Liggett

Обновлено: 4 мая 2022 г.

On the wave of popularity of the miracle trilogies "The Hunger Games", "Divergent", "Labyrinth Runner" some authors have awakened a thirst for profit. The topic of dystopias is great and vast, and it can be exploited until the second coming.

I am very fond of this genre. Orwell, Zamyatin, Huxley, Elton, Atwood have all created wonderful worlds, but not all dystopias are as good. Here's just recently I was spitting from Naomi Alderman's The Force, in which the chicks got power in the form of electricity in their bodies. And of course they went crazy and started to humiliate, humiliate and rape men, and what's wrong with that? The apotheosis of this nonsense was Tatiana Moskaleva sitting in a fur coat on a golden throne in the matriarchal Bessarabia. But come on, let's move on. And then came "Year of Grace," which sings the praises of every tube. Well, such a masterpiece, well, where to go.

Kim Liggett, originally from the rural midwest, moved to New York City to pursue a career in the arts. She's the author of Blood and Salt, Heart of Ash, The Last Harvest (Bram Stoker Award Winner), The Unfortunates, and The Grace Year. Kim spends her free time studying tarot and scouring Manhattan for rare vials of perfume and the perfect egg white cocktail.

The synopsis promises a mixture of "Lord of the Flies" and "The Handmaid's Tale," but no such luck. Though of course it is such a shit, that it is not a sin to swoop down on flies. And after all, I could have thought at once, the main character is 16 years old, maybe the book is designed for this age group, but no! I'm not stepping on a rake, I'm dancing a jig on them with elements of the bottom break. However, to the point! In describing my claims I plan to SPOILER mercilessly, mind you!

The author takes us to Garner County, where is that? What is it? Never mind! This is the county where women live to be useful. Men choose them and marry them, thus depriving them of freedom and choice (Stampede #1), and Sob

girls at the age of 16 wake up to the magic! They can lure men into their beds and drive them crazy. So that's it, it's not called whoremongering, it's called WILDLIFE! It takes a year of grace to nip that vile womanizing magic in the bud.

Where did the oppression of women begin, why, why? Never mind! That's not what the book is about! In short, those who have reached the age of 16 will have a year of grace, but before that, some of them will be put a veil over their heads and chosen to be brides. After a year, the chosen ones will come back and become wives, while the rest will go to work, factories, wash shit, someone has to do it. By the way, creepy men forbid women to dream. See dreams, hang you on a bitch like a traitor, that's what technology has come to.

Tierney is 16 years old, she dreams of freedom and dreams of course, but she is forced to get married. She shits, but that's okay, because there's a whole year ahead of her. So what's a "year of grace"? Oooooh! That's the cherry on the cake. The girls are sent to a kind of camp in the deep woods, minimal food, water with algae from a well, bunks and a fence. That's where all the magic must come out of them. And behind the fence, the lawless dudes are waiting for them, dudes who want to kill the girls and cut them into scraps, so that they can sell them to their friends and relatives for medicine. You smell that? It smells crazy...

And now the question arises, why the hell would a girl be chosen as a bride? There's no guarantee she won't be cut up into sausage. Wouldn't it make more sense to choose a wife after they come back? Well, I think I'm looking for some logic here...

Anyway, Tierney and her kind go off to the darkness for a year, and she gets a lot of ideas right away. After all, her daddy raised her as a guy, and also because she's the chosen one! (Stamp #2) She decides on food and water, but gets hit by a womanizer and begins her journey through the woods with an axe in her shoulder. There she is found by a lawless man, but he is not going to kill her, for he promised her father. After all, people who kill everyone in a row are very thin souls and keep their promises. He nurses her back to health and falls in love, and she of course (Stamp #3). And he's also handsome (Stamp #4) and he hasn't killed anyone yet, otherwise how could anyone love him.

Except that Tierney has a hypertrophied sense of justice in her ass and she has to save all the other girls and tell everyone the awful truth, because there's no magic, they're lying all the same (Stamp #5). In short, the chosen one joyfully gets back and leaves her lawless man, because it will be better for him (Stamp #5), but they can't be together, she has to save everybody (Stamp #6,7,8,9...).

I won't reveal to you the further course of events, but it's not much different from the above. Zero logic, motivation and characters in the style of all those Mockingbirds layers. And it's easy to read, of course, but what's there to read if the plot is primitive to outrageousness. Plot holes gaping on every page. And what's interesting, judging by the finale will be continued, well, you know, all these books should be trilogy, to screen more convenient and make a bundle.

Bottom line is, you might like it if you're under 20 and you like "I love you Edward", "You don't have to love me because I'm a vampire". In other cases, save your heel, it burned unimaginably for me.

This article was sponsored by Ovidiu Grecu

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