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Фото автораNikolai Rudenko

«The Godfather», Mario Puzo

Обновлено: 14 мар. 2022 г.

Life sets its own standards and requires strict adherence to them, for some laws become a yoke and inviolable obligations, for others only recommendations or an unfortunate misunderstanding that limits business. The Corleone family lives according to its own concepts, not obeying the laws imposed by society, but strictly following its own rules. First of all, business, and only then personal matters.

The shadow business requires a heavy hand, undeniable authority, connections, an extraordinary mind and family cohesion. Don Vito Corleone embodies the very spirit of a born leader and father. He has children by blood, but there are also many admirers and friends who have repeatedly turned to their Godfather for help, deed or advice. Business thrives not so much out of fear of the Corleone, but out of respect.

Puzo was born in a poor family of Neapolitan immigrants living in the Hell's Kitchen neighborhood of New York. Many of his books draw heavily on this heritage. After graduating from the City College of New York, he joined the United States Army Air Forces in World War II. Due to his poor eyesight, the military did not let him undertake combat duties but made him a public relations officer stationed in Germany. In 1950, his first short story, The Last Christmas, was published in American Vanguard. After the war, he wrote his first book, The Dark Arena, which was published in 1955.

Italians honor their traditions and deftly weave them into the new canons of life, being far from their historical homeland. Daughter's wedding day is a great holiday for the family and everyone involved. A holiday where champagne flows like a river, eminent guests rush to express their respect and outdo each other with the high cost of gifts. But only young people can completely relax, the old people have their own worries, because it so happened that the head of the clan cannot refuse a request to those in need if they come on this significant day. This will begin a breathtaking phenomenal story of mafia life in New York.

From the very first pages, the reader, regardless of beliefs and inclinations, cannot but be imbued with respect, and, possibly, love for some representatives of the Corleone family. The godfather is perfectly characterized by polite treatment of guests, equanimity and calmness, the ability to say more than words were spoken. Business, modern man. Giant. But it is unlikely that anyone will be deceived by the official business with which the family makes a living - the import of olive oil - it is, of course, profitable, but not fundamental to ensuring the power of Corleone. Only a few hints should alert the reader and focus his attention on the little things so as not to miss the most important.

Sicilian emigrants never speak directly, especially about work, and even in the presence of their wives or uninitiated persons. Dangerous business is the business of men. Women and children must stay safe, otherwise everything will go to waste. This is an axiom. If a war breaks out between clans, it is the wives and offspring that must be hidden and protected first. In response, harsh Italian husbands and fathers demand unquestioning obedience, respect and discipline. No disputes, no questions or wrangling, nothing should undermine the base of the pyramid of kinship and power.

Mario Puzo is a genius. From under his pen came out such an exciting and lively story that it cannot lose its relevance and attractiveness after half a century. The author managed, if not to romanticize the image of the mafia, then to make them treat them differently: seriously and with understanding, as far as possible in relation to murderers, smugglers and criminals.

The book does not contain drawn-out scenes, excessive pathos or unnecessary shooting, so beloved by Hollywood directors. The words flow like a stormy and powerful river, as if filled with the aromas of grape juice, wine and the Sicilian sun. Each hero is in his place, their images are full, bright, almost perfect. From the most annoying to the favorite. The plot develops quite smoothly, without sharp accelerations and decelerations, but with slight shifts in time, slightly opening the veil of secrecy over the young years of Vito Corleone. Also, "rewind" is important to see the same event from behind the shoulder of different characters. So the picture becomes whole and understandable.

The book, dedicated to the criminal life of New York, could not but contain confrontation and war. After a long peaceful life, the Corleone family was involuntarily drawn into the war with other clans. The Corleones did not want this war, and it cost them dearly. But justice seeks satisfaction. Concern for the future of the clan forces us to take harsh and timely measures. And directed aggression on the part of yesterday's partners requires a serious response.

It is this war that the reader will have to go through with Don Vito Corleone and his children: Fred, Sonny, Michael and Connie. A difficult time tests the strength of family ties and the political influence of the clan. Unpleasant things are revealed that require cleaning and updating the family. And no one

knows if the aged Godfather will be able to keep up with the times, or if the time of his power has come to an end.

It is strange that it is The Godfather that teaches life, love and family values. Apparently, something is wrong with our society, since people who undermine its foundations can have such a strong and not useless influence on us. Perhaps the world of the mafia gives off the Middle Ages, with its cruelty, inequality and feudalism. But one cannot but agree that in a sense, this world is not devoid of justice, even if it manifests itself in a merciless form. Retribution. One thing to remember is that while there are people at the top who are above the law, there will be other people at the bottom who will be able to use any loopholes in the rotten system to benefit and keep society in fear.

Corleone did not remain in the past, they are with us here and now, and will remain forever. They are strong and able to adapt. You can come to them with friendship, or you can declare war. The main thing is to keep a sober view of things and a clear mind.

It's always better when your friends underestimate your strengths, and your enemies exaggerate your weaknesses.

This article was sponsored by Jan Murcek

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