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Фото автораNikolai Rudenko

"The Batman", 2022

Review of the film "Batman" - the main action of the year, which we need now more than ever

Fincher's Zodiac, in costume only.

Gloomy rainy Gotham, destroyed by corruption and gangs. Every day there are many acts of violence in it, but Bruce Wayne (Robert Pattinson), aka Batman, hopes to one day rid the city of crime, continuing the work of his dead father - he tried to make the world a better place. The conditions of life in Gotham make people fly away like cuckoo, so Riddler (Paul Dano) appears among the citizens - a slightly (?) crazy mystery man who brutally kills harmful political figures, terrifying people, and leaving envelopes with puzzles for Batman. Mysteries are solved, crimes become more difficult. Selina Kyle (Catwoman Zoë Kravitz) and even Penguin (Colin Farrell; but he will have to be chased) will help our hero in a cape to catch the Riddler. All so that Gotham can sleep peacefully.

You can say anything about Todd Philips' Joker, but he did a very important thing for superheroics - he erased the line between attraction blockbusters and art cinema. "Batman" by Matt Reeves went along the path already trodden by the "Golden Lion". The new guardian of order in a black cloak is going to wash away evil spirits from the sidewalks of Gotham, like Scorsese's "Taxi Driver", the timing and detective story are close to Fincher's "Zodiac", and the atmosphere itself is very reminiscent of the canonical "Casablanca", however, with explosions and a masquerade. Such a fiery cocktail is knocked out of the restart of the DCEU universe, opening a new page in the history of film comics. The agonizingly lengthy running time (which, by Scorsese's standards, would pass for the first act) is fully justified by the intricate detective story: by all the rules of film noir, no one is in a hurry to go anywhere. Voice-over, inserted according to the old-fashioned laws of golden Hollywood, adds sentimentality, but not cringe Snyder, but rather nostalgic.

The claim that Pattinson is the best on-screen Batman so far may deprive many people of sleep, but this statement is still worth reconciling with, he not only coped with the work, but even exceeded expectations. The actor promised that if the film fails, he will go to work in the porn industry, but, apparently, not fate. Reeves' Bruce Wayne is a traumatized boy trying to match the figure of his late father. Confident in his infallibility, Bruce throws all his strength into the fight against corruption and dishonest citizens, but the crime rate is still creeping up. Bruce Wayne Pattinson is more vulnerable, doubtful, alive, he destroys the framework of the usual toxic masculinity, canonical for a cult character. It is also the first Batman to not hide the dark make-up around his eyes, oddly enough, for his predecessors, he always disappeared when the mask was removed. Entering a new era of conscious Himbo has been a success.

Colin Farrell literally plays Robert De Niro as the Penguin. Only Matt Reeves knows why it took hours to make up an Irish actor in his American colleague with a Brooklyn accent, although the costume party was still a success. Oz (aka the Penguin), played by Farrell, is a charismatic gangster who fits into the noir fairy tale like a native. Casting in the film as a whole is very successful, the same Zoe Kravitz, who previously voiced Catwoman in Lego: Batman, turned out to be indispensable and stole all the audience's attention. It's hard to imagine anyone else in this role. As for Paul Dano, it seems that playing psychos is his destiny.

Unfortunately, in Russia the screenings of "Batman" were canceled a couple of days before the release, although it was this movie that we needed at this difficult time. Steeped in evil and corruption, Gotham, contrary to previous interpretations, could not be changed by a single hero in a cloak. Rescuing the drowning is a team effort, and the fear that a mysterious superhero instills in the city's criminals creates even more fear in the hearts of citizens, provoking real chaos. The rule "wedge by wedge" sounds good, but in reality it does not work, it turns out that people need hope. Having reached a critical point, Gotham will rise from the ashes, the townspeople will have support, but not only in the face of a savior in a cloak, but also in the cohesion that they lacked.

This article was sponsored by ANDRAS LUKACS

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