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Фото автораNikolai Rudenko

«Look Closer» , David Ellis

Обновлено: 29 июл.

In this book, absolutely every character turns out to be not what they seemed at first glance. He seems to be a very positive hero, but the lies in his life are through the roof. Everyone's lying. And one lies about one thing, the second about another. Some characters are described very authentically. And some moments are surprisingly illogical.

David Ellis is a lawyer and the Edgar Allan Poe Award winner for Best First Novel for Line of Vision. Ellis attended Northwestern Law School and began his legal career in private practice in Chicago in 1993. He served as the House Prosecutor who tried and convicted Illinois Governor Blagojevich in the Impeachment Trial before the Illinois Senate. He was elected to the Illinois Appellate Court in 2014 and took office December 1, 2014. Ellis currently lives outside Chicago with his wife and three children.

There's been a murder. A detective suddenly finds in the archives a man's complaint about the victim that he wrote ten years ago. And that man is a suspect. I didn't understand how the police dug up this complaint and why it was her.

Usually in detective thrillers there are two ways the narrative progresses. The first: the killer is unknown until the end of the book, the reader guesses or does not guess the identity of the criminal and only by the end of the book learns the true state of affairs. The second variant of the plot: the murderer is known to the reader at once and part of the narrative is conducted on his behalf.

In "House of Lies" the narration is conducted from several persons. And three of them are killers. That is, until the very end of the book it seems that each of these three is the murderer. It's just so twisted. Those who like police investigations, I must say, there is no place to "turn around" in this story. The investigation itself is not described here in detail. The detailed narration in the book goes on behalf of the three alleged killers, but so everything is mixed up that nothing is clear.

But I didn't like the end very much. Evil is punished by a new evil. The relationship between several of the characters is not quite clear. How the heroes came to such a decision - to kill a man. Each of the three lives, lives, lives, and then - bang! - it is necessary to kill. And all the people are not bad, so I missed their torment, their hatred. Still, killing a person is not even stealing.

But in general, it's quite easy and interesting to read.

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