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«La foret des ombres», Franck Thilliez

Обновлено: 24 мая 2022 г.

Money, power, insanity - three words referring to the same hero. Money and power are great, but an insane person is a little frightening. And when a person who is powerful by nature has great financial possibilities and manic powers, it is triple scary.

Franck Thilliez is the author of several bestselling novels in his native France, where he lives. Thilliez was a computer engineer for a decade before he began writing. Syndrome E, is his first novel to be published in the United States. Several of his books were made into films : La chambre des morts (2007), Ligne de mire (2014) and Obsession(s) (2009)

Another thriller from Frank Thielier will make the impressionable reader shudder repeatedly. In the pages of the novel there will be little children with digital tattoos, torture tools in the hands of a maniac, wild animals ready to attack, tortured bodies, decomposing pig carcasses with maggots swarming inside, a collection of dead green flies, and appropriate scents.

In the heart of a wintry, snow-covered forest, in a lonely, huge house, an interesting company settled in for a month. An elderly wheelchair user, a prostitute suffering from asthma, and a young couple with a two-year-old child. They all have one very important thing in common, they are all interested in creating a literary project. David, a young and successful writer, was commissioned to write a book, a thriller about a real-life maniac. A handsome fee was to be paid for the work, solving all the financial problems of the young family. All the other occupants of the house had to help David. As it turned out later, the book was not the only thing that united the residents of the luxurious chalet, but the reader and the characters will know about it much later.

The mysterious master of the house, frightening guests with his riddles and revealing conversations; invisible entomologists, remotely conducting experiments on decaying pork carcasses; traps, placed throughout the territory around the house, protecting the inhabitants from wild animals; complete isolation from the outside world due to bad weather. There was a special atmosphere in the house, going to the young writer's advantage in creating a quality thriller, and, immersing the reader in the invented world of Frank Thielier.

A swanky country house turns overnight into a frightening place, instilling a sinister terror and fear, both on the book's characters and on the susceptible and sensitive reader. The forced isolation, the strange roommates, the groans of a dead oak tree embedded in the walls of the house, and the wild, screaming grunting of a cute little piglet about to be sent to the experiments, evoke an eerie sense that getting out of the frightening house will be difficult. All secrets come to light, like pustules bursting open on the body of a plague-ridden man, all liars will surely be punished.

Frank Thielier knows how to provide a dark and disturbing atmosphere, to intrigue the reader with the mysteries and intricacies of the plot, to frighten scenes of cruelty and violence. In addition, he is a master of creating the image of a ruthless maniac and serial killer, it is natural that the psychological portrait of the monster will not fit in with the external data. It is difficult to remain unique in the creation of such an abundance of already written thrillers, but Tillet keeps the mark, the thriller is fascinating to read. Despite the fact that I guessed the main villain immediately and his secret helpers were easy to figure out, I still found it interesting to read the book, diving into the details and sordid details.

This article was sponsored by Arvid Johnsen

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