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Фото автораNikolai Rudenko

«El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha» / «Don Quixote», Miguel de Cervantes

"If mankind is summoned to the Last Judgment, then it will be enough for him to justify only one single book -" Don Quixote "by Cervantes, so that all human sins will be forgiven." (F.M.Dostoevsky)

That was a book! Book! This novel was worth learning to read. "Don Quixote" is truly the greatest example of both Renaissance literature and literature in general. Several days have passed since I closed the book, and the enthusiasm does not subside. Never before have I come across a work that is as funny as it is sad. And what language, people, what language!

The truth may be stretched thin, but it never breaks, and it always surfaces above lies, as oil floats on water.― Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote

Everyone, naturally, knows that there was some crazy guy who, with his squire Sancho Panso, wandered around Spain and mowed windmills. If only everything were so simple! To begin with, Don Quixote was probably not crazy, and the episode with the windmills takes only two pages from the 900-page novel. So if that's all you know about Don Quixote, you don't know anything. I didn't know either. But I won't tell you anything about the plot. No no. Out of harm. Although mainly, of course, due to the fact that it is very, very long and replete with a huge number of adventures. You just have to read them. And the point is, in fact, not in them.

"Don Quixote" is a satire on novels of chivalry, although now it does not tell us anything at all - we did not live in the 16th century, and few people actually read these novels. Let's just take it for granted. It is enough that Cervantes managed to make a brilliant parody. And there is no doubt that this is a parody, because it is literally in the novel itself that you can easily read about it and not even between the lines. But this is how the book begins, and how does it end? Is it a parody? No wonder Cervantes writes two whole novels about Don Quixote. In the modern edition, they are combined into one work, but the border is visible very clearly. If the first half as a whole evokes a smile, even if at times sad, then the second half, especially in the end, is some kind of pit of despair. In general, humor in a novel can be compared to a candle. So they lit it, and everyone is light, comfortable. Here it burns brightly to the delight of the beholder. But now the fire is getting closer to the base of the candle, it becomes uneven, nervous, everyone is uncomfortable, and now the fire is extinguished completely. End.

In the second part, there are practically no smiles (except for the dialogues, but more on that later). For myself, I will say that I generally boiled with righteous anger, reading about the bullying of Don Quixote and Sancha. How we humans love to have fun at someone else's expense! These are, of course, not arenas with gladiators, not the roar of a ruthless crowd thirsting for blood, but the effect is practically the same. How could you arrange all these "innocent" pranks on a person who is considered insane? Disgusting somehow. I was glad when our inseparable couple escaped from the countess's clutches, but the candle was already burning out, remember? And even if Don Quixote began his adventures after reading chivalrous novels, the qualities and judgments that this knight of the Sorrowful Image showed did not arise at the last moment. And his impulses are as crazy as they are beautiful. He dreamed of defending such fragile concepts as honor, loyalty, courage. His beautiful speeches were sublime and reasonable. So who are you laughing at, seniors, clever, joke lovers?

And what about Sancho? Oh, this is a great character! This is what one of Don Quixote's friends says about him:

Indeed, it seems that they were made for each other and that the madness of the master would not be worth a dime without the folly of the servant."

Yes, without Sancho Don Quixote probably would not have taken place. Somewhere I read the idea that Don Quixote and Sancho are two sides of the same coin, that they are essentially one person. But I, stupid, did not think so. That is, the fact that they complemented each other is indisputable, but as individuals they are still each on their own. I couldn't connect them in my head. The clever little Sancho had his own reasons for sticking to Don Quixote. He was not interested in the knightly code, he did not care about the orphan and the poor, he did not dream of fights, he was not captivated by the glory of glory. The man just had a dream - to be the governor of the island. I stayed. But again, reading about the bullying of this, in general, kind and just person was hard. In the management of the "island", by the way, he was excellent. And what a speech Sancho has! We must pay tribute to Cervantes, who collected and put into the mouth of the squire so many proverbs and sayings. It's just incredible! On this topic, a thesis could be defended from the book.

Well, the height of delight is, of course, the dialogues of the knight and his squire. That's where the beauty of the syllable and the humor are. Perhaps these were the most delightful moments. For example:

“You’re wrong, Sancho,” said Don Quixote, “remember the Latin proverb: when your head hurts, all your limbs also hurt. And since I am your lord and lord, I am the head, and you, my servant, are one of my members. Therefore, if misfortune happens to me, then it happens to you, and you should feel my pain, and I yours.

`` So it would, in fact, be expected, '' Sancho replied, `` but only when I, that is, one of your members, was thrown on a blanket, so my head stood behind the fence and watched me fly into the air and did not feel no pain."

And it seems to me that such a book is better to read at a more mature age. Having a certain amount of knowledge, it is much easier to evaluate and enjoy the work of this brilliant author and his brilliant novel. But here's a word of warning: this book isn't for everyone. It is for those who are able to cope with a large volume of work. For those who are able to appreciate the beauty of the language of the 17th century. For those who love irony and are not afraid to find beautiful things behind it, but unbearably sad. For those who are frightened by the number of pages, those who are bored reading the unhurried play of the narrative, and those who are tired of outdated speech, the novel is contraindicated for you. And no abbreviated versions. By the way, what is it, by the way, huh? Why not immediately familiarize yourself with the summary or watch a movie there? Well, you, connoisseurs, should definitely read "Don Quixote" if you haven't already!

That's the end of the reviews, who mastered - well done!

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