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Фото автораNikolai Rudenko

"And just like that ..." - is it really that simple in the sequel to "Sex and the City"

The return of the main series of the late 90s, which is desperate to find a place for itself in 2021.

And just like that ... we meet our favorite heroines 11 years later (after the release of the second full-length film). During this time, it seems, the world has changed beyond recognition: newspapers with author's columns have replaced podcasts, everyone is sitting on social networks, freely talking about gender theory and inclusiveness. Only now our heroines are barely keeping up with new trends: Miranda is afraid to say something racist to a new teacher, Charlotte does not know how to communicate correctly with her child, Carrie is embarrassed to talk openly about sex on a podcast and may not have her Instagram for weeks. But something remains unchanged: the girlfriends are still as stylish and cheerful as 20 years ago, this is already a statement - after 50, life does not lose color, but takes on new shades.

After Kim Cattrall pulled out of Just So ... due to a strained relationship with Sarah Jessica Parker, fans wondered how the writers would get rid of Samantha. In the end, she was sent to London (you know, fish, chips, a cup of tea ... bad food, terrible weather, Mary, her mother, Poppins, London!), Explaining this by a quarrel with Carrie on the basis of disagreements in working moments. It sounds, of course, harmless, if you do not take into account the fact that this explanation reads a rude nod towards Kim, transferring the real relationship of the actresses to their characters: they say, Samantha is offended and does not talk to anyone, and we tearfully ask her to return ... Here our sand castle begins to crumble, because fans who know the pattern of Samantha's behavior understand that it is not so easy to offend her. Miranda is also unrecognizable in the first episodes, the previously calculating, critical-thinking lawyer turns into a walking chaos and loses her balance in the simplest situations. Carrie remains true to herself - the world still revolves only around her problems.

The creators are painfully trying to preserve the universe of "Sex and the City", but, like the heroines, are hopelessly behind the agenda, while trying to match the trends. The scriptwriters in this case look like adults, misusing teen slang, trying to be "on the same wavelength" with their children. Situations like this raise the question of inclusiveness not only in the cast, but also among the writers and producers. In order for us to end up with the same progressive show as it was in the late 90s, among its creators there must be new talents with a loud voice and murderous ambitions, which, in fact, were Michael-Patrick King and Daren Star, filming the pilot to "Sex and the City". Or they should continue to write from the top of their experience, without going into uncharted territory. An attempt to sit on several chairs at once and makes the first episodes of "And just like that ..." rather awkward and in places, God forgive me, krinj, although the 3rd and 4th episodes more or less correct the trajectory of the series, leaving at least some chance of salvation franchises.

In the first episode (if you haven't watched yet, there will be a spoiler now) we say goodbye to one of the most important characters in the franchise - Mr. Big. I don’t want to comment on the staging of the incident, the memes on Twitter handle this much more eloquently, hinting that Carrie should have dialed 911 first, and only then did the rest. After that, the trajectory of the next 9 episodes is clearly traced: the main character will learn to live on, enduring perhaps the most painful loss in life, with each episode getting stronger and stronger on her feet. Big changes await Miranda, who will understand that at the age of 50 you can reveal a new side of yourself that you did not even know about before. As for Charlotte, everything in her life is as perfect as it was after meeting Harry, but the “not ideal” daughter will make the most correct heroine reconsider her views on life. Stanford and his husband Anthony will face a crisis in their relationship, although a real crisis awaits the viewer, because their couple does not have much screen time to immerse themselves in the tragedy of their fading love.

With all the external changes and the pursuit of trends, the series still performs its main function. "And just like that ..." destroys the most toxic belief of many viewers that the heroines are too "old" for a new round of the franchise. The problem with modern cinema and television is precisely that the age threshold of 50 is considered a kind of career death for actresses, after which women are offered the roles of either a witch or someone's mother. In the continuation of the series, there is sex, and the city remains in place, and our heroines do not stop living a busy life, face new problems and support each other, no matter what happens. After all, if you don't see stories with age-related protagonists on the screen, then how can we get rid of the false belief that at 50, life loses its color?

This article was sponsored by Glen Williams

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