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Фото автораNikolai Rudenko

«Acquired Tastes: A Beginner's Guide to Serious Pleasures» , Peter Mayle

Обновлено: 11 окт. 2021 г.

"Is it a good day if some idiot forgot to warm up your socks and ironed the morning paper?"

The book may seem absurd to something: why write about the addictions of the rich? Why would the average person read about how much and what they spend their millions on? Just so, to find out how sophisticated the taste is and how much a barrel of caviar can cost. Or to understand why people buy an expensive omelette with truffles and shoes that cost $ 1,500 and why that price does not scare customers away.

"This is an epic of love, hatred, war and revolution. This is a huge novel that follows five families through the world-shaking dramas of the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the struggle for votes for women."

  • Custom-made shoes, shirts and a suit, expensive, but tailored for you personally and which, if you wish, can be worn for the rest of your life.

  • Charcoal-black, sparkling limousine (white is vulgar, gray is liked only by boring bankers, and red, pink or gold with craquelures * is not for gentlemen. Only black!), With the help of which you “move through life in your own comfortable little world ".

  • Spending on a mistress is an incomprehensible point for me, because I am sincerely surprised, why does she need to buy fur coats and real estate?

  • Several points of forced parting with money:

  • Spending on lawyers who like to use words like "legislative gap" and "precedent"

  • Christmas Eve is undoubtedly the worst time to buy something meaningful. "In these December days, the most ridiculous and stupid objects have a chance to become a gift for some unfortunate person."

  • Making a "Serious Decision" - "from Monday to the fitness center" or "from the New Year I will quit smoking" - all this also costs money: clothes, equipment (simulators), subscription, all kinds of anti-smoking agents, for weight loss, for teeth whitening etc.

  • Tipping - like me, the author is surprised by this thing. I always had this question: "Why pay for what you have already paid for people who are paid the same as all people of other professions for their work wages ??" Mail lists the main motives and threats that can occur if you do not pay:

^ tip as insurance - do you want your coat not to disappear from your wardrobe and not to have a dent on your car?

^ tip as a payment for comfort - do you want to eat at the door to the kitchen, enjoying the rumble of plates and all the smells at the same time and wait 40 minutes for a waiter to approach you?

^ tip as a means not to be ridiculed - "the main points of collection of gratitude, expressed in banknotes":

· Bars - "do not rack your brains calculating how many tips to leave to the bartender. He will decide it for you, putting the change right in the puddle of spilled vermouth. When you are finished, just take dry bills and leave him wet."

· Restaurants - "a service charge of 12-15% of the total amount is automatically included in the invoice, and it turns out that we add a tip to the tip" (!!!) Therefore, you should ask the waiter if the service charge is included in the invoice.

· Hotels - "tips paid in advance significantly improve the quality of service and save you from unpleasant scenes in the lobby on the day of departure"

  • “Antiques - Antiques from the 19th century can actually only be a week old.

  • Servants - they can be entrusted with all the unpleasant, boring and dangerous work and they add status, BUT! - they need to be placed so that you do not bump into them forever, but even so you will not have the opportunity to be alone in your own house, tk. one way or another they will be where you are.

  • Cashmere garments are warm and scalding expensive due to the limited availability of this natural fiber **

  • Caviar, which is directly associated with wealth, luxury and bliss ***

"It is in that small explosion of taste that occurs every time you press a small bubble on the upper palate, and the meaning of the whole ritual lies"

  • The second home - "transforming from a goggling tourist into a kind of honorable local. Not for you these exhausting group tours or all-inclusive hotels that the rest of humanity has to settle in. You are not like everyone else. You are human. with the key to his home abroad in his pocket. " BUT! This of course may sound cool - but what can we hide, it's cool - but in fact it is very troublesome: theft, neighbors, rats, leaks, the person who looks after the house gradually takes out everything. In general, it is not clear, but apart from the envy of others and the satisfied vanity of the fact that you mention that you have such property, do you benefit from this?

  • Cigars, for which, if desired, even a place is bought in the "humidor **** storage"

  • Guests - all guests, including relatives, even the most educated and cute, cost the owners money: food, alcohol, payment for a guest of something (for cigarettes, lunch, beer, tickets, etc.)

This is not a very large amount if you take each guest individually, but together they will make up the largest item of our annual expenses.

- A hotel for $ 850 per night per room, where they pay mainly not for the design and furnishing of everything around with the latest technology, but for the atmosphere and excellent cuisine.

- Panama ***** in a thousand dollars - the weight of its value, paid in one dollar bills, far exceeds its own.

- Private jet, or in other words, your own plane - "Indeed, it is extremely convenient to fly by plane for shopping."

In general, Mayle says that people who buy art, or just expensive things, are often not so happy with the purchase. You can, of course, be jealous that they have several houses around the world, servants and the original Mona Lisa hangs in the toilet, but as the author himself says:

"As far as I know, there are more problems with such property than pleasure. In the end, it becomes unclear who owns whom."

This article was sponsored by Ken Haraguchi.

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